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Redefining "Cheap"

There is a stigma I would like to break and it revolves around the word “cheap.” This word “cheap,” catches a bad rap, especially when it is used to describe your spending habits. My goal is to change not only the negative stigma that surrounds the word, but to encourage you to be cheap. The word itself can be defined as a bargain or something that is of good quality that is going at a lower rate than usual. I’m not sure where you’re at in your journey to financial freedom but if you’re reading this blog, there is a good chance that you need to be looking for more of these bargains that are out there.

Every time I told my mother that I thought I was being cheap, she would stop me and say I wasn’t being cheap, I just was saving my money for something bigger. For those of us that have fallen into the stereotype of being “cheap,” that’s exactly what we’re doing. We value our money on a different level and pick and choose where we decide to use it. This can be a difficult task when you’re constantly surrounded by friends or family that go out to eat on a regular basis or don’t mind spending a few dollars here and there on petty, unnecessary things. As savvy spender’s of our money, we the “cheap” people of this world understand that all these expenses add up and those pleasures can eventually turn to years of struggling to find a way to be financially free.

As I have gone through my time as a college student, it amazed me just how many of my peers really had no clue what they were doing with their finances. If it wasn’t for a debit card that their parents reloaded every time it got low, then they would be completely out of luck. Even the business majors who pay for an education in the science of business and money have no clue when it comes to real life financial decisions, pretty scary huh?

My friends have hassled me countless times about why I won’t go out to eat or go see a movie, but the truth is I have a real knack for making a little money go a long way. I make smart decisions when it comes to my money and then have my fair share of fun, all worry free because I know exactly how this fun is being funded.

Through this blog I hope to not only share with you some of the things that I have learned along the way, but the continuing knowledge that comes with my own journey to financial freedom. The most troubled age when it comes to finances is the young adults, the college students and those just out of college. With a student-debt crisis staring us right in the face, it has become crucial to become economical with your decisions or be left to suffer the consequences which last over the span of many years in the form of piles of bills and debt. Now is the perfect time to take control of your money and join the revolution as we redefine the word “cheap” and make it cool to be the guy or girl who saves money.

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