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Quick Tips to a Larger Audience: Dr. Thomas Mueller's Lecture on SEO Optimization

This week I had the privilege of listening to a lecture from Dr. Thomas Mueller of Appalachian State University. The lecture centered around how to get your craft, whether it be a blog or service, in front of as many people as possible, in other words Search Engine Optimization (SEO). I want to share a couple of these tips from Dr. Mueller because if done correctly, they could help you enjoy more traffic on your own site.

The Power of a Retweet/Mention

The first tip was about using Twitter as a tool. The common thought when it comes to Twitter is simply, tweet content, build a following, reach a broader audience. For anybody that frequents Twitter, building a large following may be a daunting task. Dr. Mueller suggested that you don’t need a large following to leverage your content to large amounts of people. The golden key to making this happen is getting your content in front of the right people who already have a large following. A simple retweet from a well known person in your field will jump your posts interactions by immense numbers.

Post on Different Platforms

The second tip had to do with getting your content seen in multiple places. Dr. Mueller spoke of the importance of posting your content not only on your blog or website, but to multiple outlets including Twitter, Facebook, and the one he was highest on, LinkedIn groups. By posting your content on different sites you will reach a larger audience that you will be able to redirect back to your own site.

Recycle Your Work

One of the more interesting things Dr. Mueller said had to do with using your blog as a repository for all of your writing. If you write something for class, you can repurpose that work into multiple blog posts. Don’t allow your work to have one final destination, it's your work, you can do what you want with it, however many times you want.

If you’re interested in checking out some of Dr. Mueller’s work, check out his site at

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